That was 8 weeks ago, and the niggling pain is still there. Not one to rush things, last week I made it to a doctor, and after subsequent X-rays and an MRI scan, it turns out I have torn cartilage in my foot, and a small bone is trying to become a small floating island.

The doc seems to think I have three options:
1. Surgery - I quickly ruled this out as it means I won't be fit for a long time, and also seems a bit extreme.
2. Put my foot in a boot for 4 weeks, and use crutches to completely protect it. This is a possibility, but it means sacrificing 4 weeks of fitness and training, and my foot is not guaranteed to heal completely in that time.
3. Deal with the pain. Take anti-inflammatory tablets when it gets bad, and get on with it.
I have decided to suck it up, do one week of full training, and make a decision based on how my foot feels during and after that.
It's cutting it fine, but at this stage I'm still focused on a May 1 departure!