I left Mildura on a massive high, and even though the 144km to Renmark was my biggest day yet, I found myself recalling jokes and laughs from the weekend, and made great progress without feeling it. It was my only day of cycling in Victoria, and I was provided with fine weather and some great views along the way.

(above: some of the great scenery; rainbow out of cloud)
I did get jammed with a double puncture, that had me munching on my scroggin just 20km out of Mildura, and as tempting as it was to turn back, I have become somewhat of a pro changing and patching tubes, so wasn't delayed for very long.
The other thing to note on this journey of course, is that I crossed into my third state, and was welcomed to South Australia by having all of my fresh fruit and veg taken off me. I did manage to eat my banana there and then, and somehow a delicious avocado slipped through (my bad), so all in all it wasn't that bad, especially considering that Renmark is not far on the other side of the border. It did cross my mind that I could hang out a bit before the border and ask for fruit donations off all the passing tourists, but the sun was low and I was eager to get to my destination. On a side note, wouldn't it make sense to set up a donation table, so that vehicles coming out of South Australia (or any 'no fruit zone') could pick up the fresh fruit surrendered by those going in??
The ride from the day must have taken more out of me than I thought, because I struggled to lift my cutlery at dinner, and then crashed soon after. The next morning I found that Renmark is a nice town, with a great river front.

(above: Riverfront in Renmark)

(above: River front in Gol Gol - Mildura's NSW sister town)
I slept in and had a slow breakfast at a bakery around the corner from my accommodation, before stocking up on fresh fruit and anti-inflammatories. Next stop?
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