Thankfully, my ride to Robinvale, Victoria, was smooth. Actually, I'm at a point where I can't remember how many punctures I've had, or where I had them. I'm still using the same four tubes I had in Sydney, but they have now all been intricately decorated in colourful patches. Unfortunately, in this instance, the more intricately decorated, does not translate into greater value. It just means you've done your time... kind of like jail.
Anyway, I by no means intended for you to be thinking about jail and criminals just because I started talking about Victoria. *ahem Melbourne Storm ahem*. No no no. No state wars here. I happened to love Robinvale!
Firstly, although I was technically still in NSW when it happened, I saw two massive wedge tailed eagles! I had seen plenty of hawks in earlier days and often thought if perhaps one of them in the distance was an eagle. This time, there was no doubt that none of the ones I had seen earlier were eagles. These were huge!!! One was perched atop a tree, and his mate (the reason I saw either of them) took off into flight as I rode past. What an incredible sight! Again, the camera was an afterthought, and I just soaked in the vision in front of me.
I did however, very generously, take a photo of a date that looks like a cockroach!

(above: a cockroach posing as a date, or is it?)
In Robinvale, I was put up by David and Su in the Robinvale Motel. They even turned away paying guests to host me and show their support for the Starlight Children's Foundation. Thank you so much Dave and Su, and congratulations on your new born! I had a great stay!
I was pleased to learn that Robinvale was one of the most culturally diverse towns of it's size, and even happier to find an Asian grocery store!

(above: it says, congratulations Paul, you're doing great!)
I then happened upon possibly the least culturally diverse place in Robinvale for dinner. The Robinvale Hawks football club.
I started by asking the lady at the local pub if they had dinner on tonight. She was Chinese, and we had a little trouble communicating. She said later, and then either 7 or 17. I wasn't sure if she meant dinner started at 7pm, or perhaps 1700hours? Anyway, when I went back to ask, it turned out the pub hadn't served a meal in 7 years, and would be starting again next week... The guy suggested I wander over to the football club.
They were just having a regular training session, but families and friends packed in as the footy club served up a storm! I waltzed in as if I was the full-forward and smashed a chicken schnitzel with loads of sides. I couldn't believe how packed this place was, and it was just what I needed!

(above: footy club full of hungry fans)

(above: impressive Robinvale Hawks statue carved from a large tree trunk)
After a full meal and a wander around town, I went back to my hotel for a great sleep. I only crossed the border into Victoria to sleep, and tomorrow I would be riding all day in NSW again, before once again crossing the border at the end of the day.
With all this border crossing, you get some nice shots of the Murray!

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